Friday, January 27, 2006

My Experience with Hair fall and Some Hair care tips:

Recently I have relocated from India to Saudi Arabia. My Arabian life has started in bad notes with the start of hair fall. It’s very severe that the rate is alarming. I am noticing my hair everywhere wash basin, bath room, bed, table and on my shoulders. What’s in this new place? Is it the dry weather? Is it the food? Is it the water? I’m perplexed.

The hair, which I have never bothered, became my obsession. The problems which have always heard from others became my moaning. The worthless became valuable. Hmm. The world is round.

My experience with hair fall is very unsatisfactory. It continues, it aggravates, and it jeers at me.

It’s a toughest problem with simple solutions. But all the solutions are uncertain! Unproven! A lot of brands are available in the market with different ingredients, forms and colors. Everyone claims the strong and healthy hair. But no claim is proven. Also, the entire hair care market is unorganized and there is no scientific method to treat the hair.

Rarely people take serious of other’s hair, including the doctors. Of course, the doctor whom I visited was bald and he was just to ask me to inform him, if I find any answer. May they have realized that not much could be done!! Everyone gives different suggestions like Amla Oil, Mustard oil with Jasmine, Bramhi Oil, Moisturizer and special hair oils. It’s very difficult to call which one to use. Here, I am mentioning some of the suggestion as below.
  • Lemon cleanses the dandruff. Soak the hair in lemon for half-an-hour before bath.
  • Egg-bath may be the immediate solution to prevent hair-fall. Soak the hair with beaten egg for half-an-hour before bath. Don’t remember to take bath in cold water. Otherwise it may become omlette. Egg supplies the protein for the hair.
  • Protect the hair from the vagaries of the weather. Wearing a cap may help to certain extent.
  • If the water is hard, try to avoid using that water for the head. If not, at least at the end of the bath, give a final rinse with the soft water.
  • Avoid using hot water for head.

I am experimenting all of the above. But the problem is still continuing. So, after some time, I may reach a stage where I may not need to worry much on that. I might have lost everything.


  • The website gives a lot of tips not only on hair care but also on day-to-day issues.
  • If you have valuable tips, please share with me.

1 comment:

neeraj said...

Dear friend if you look at structure of hair, you would see that it grows from deeper part of skin. Whatever you apply is not really going to work.The growth of hair is dependent in what you eat, how much you eat, stress,any past or present illness skin disease and genetics. Hair goes into telogen phase and falls 2 to 3 months after the harmful event. Tribals tend not to have alopecia and this is probably related to the diet, so take huge amount of veggies. Black coffee, green tea have medicinal value.Dont take any junkfood, milk proteins are probably not good for adults and should be avoided.